The Law of Attraction 101: The Secret Power Of Your Thoughts
So What Do You Want? The question begs an answer. The Law Of Attraction 101: The Secret Power Of Your Thoughts; gives you powerful insight in creating and manifesting your dreams, desires, and goals. This little 80 page pocket sized book is intense, and provokes a whole new thought process, which is the foundation for The Law Of Attraction. It probes with a series of 20 life changing questions, designed to challenge and track your attraction progress unlocking this powerful omniscient secret of the Universe. Have you ever wondered how the rich get richer or, how those who constantly speak and worry about not having enough money, never seem to have any? Have you ever notice how those who dwell on sickness never get well? Then there are those who always joke about lack and limitations, not understanding the power of their words. It s you thoughts. Yes, your thoughts that create your reality. Thoughts create things, For what you think about the most, you bring about. This book includes several life lessons in the power of deliberate creation. Life Coach and author, Ehryck F. Gilmore,CH answers all of these questions and more in this handy little pocket edition reference book. This book clearly defines how anyone can easily live a life filled with prosperity, success, perfect health and abundance. The Law Of Attraction 101 is now your blueprint, your guide to personal growth and positive change in every aspect of your life.
Customer Review: Law of Attraction 101
Not very impressed with this book. It was a very short read most of the book pages were filled with affirmations. Not much to it.
Customer Review: Easy read
Easily understandable writings compared to a lot of the literature out there for the Law of Attraction. Highly recommended to those that liked The Secret.
how to manifest your desires
The Secret teachers
1 comment:
Raise your vibration rate.
Lao Tzu says, "An integral being knows without going, sees without looking and accomplishes without doing."
Three practices will enable us to change the energy of our lives and move from the lower vibrations to ever higher ones.
A) Practice Acceptance. Surrender to this moment. Attend to the present.
B) Responsibility. Each person will receive a series of problems or tests for strengthening the light within. We must rise to the challenge before we can progress. Transform the undesirable ("bad luck") into its opposite ("good luck")by focusing on the good in it.
C) Defenselessness. When you can relinquish the need to defend your point of view, you will be invincible.
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