Becoming Cinderella: A Single Mother's Journey From Tatters to Triumph using "The Secret" of the Law of Attraction
Customer Review: Becoming Certifiable
The book was nothing at all like I thought it would be. I was expecting a book about spiritual principals and applying them. By the time the book finally began to discuss the subject matter - somewhere around page 200, when she began her online dating encounters, I had lost all respect for the author and wasn't sure I could buy anything she had to say anymore. The first 200 pages of the book was devoted to the bitter account of the author's divorce and custody battle. The point of the book seemed to be little more than revenge on her ex-husband and his attorney because the courts awarded him custody of their children. I kept wondering when the laws of attraction would show up, as the author continuously attracted the exact opposite of everything she ever wanted - and the more the story progressed, the harder I found it to sympathize with her. The book gives a graphic, uncomfortably detailed, blow by blow description of an incredibly messy divorce and custody battle right down to the verbiage in the court papers. It is so detailed the reader feels like a voyeur watching a private family drama that they have no business seeing. (Sadly, that voyeuristic feeling only intensifies when she shares all of her private email correspondence with the man who became her second husband.) I was left with the belief that the only way her first marriage would have survived was if her husband had agreed with every decision she made about how to raise their children, never offered a differing opinion, and never questioned her choices - no matter how detrimental to the children he believed they were. Yet she tells the whole story from the point of view of a martyred mother wronged by her ex-husband, the courts, attorneys, and society at large. The entire first half of the book offers not one word about the laws of attraction, any spiritual message, or even an uplifting sentence. If you are looking for spiritual guidance, stick with Deepak Chopra - Cheryl Steinberg still has a lot of evolving to do.
Secret of the law
the secret law of attraction
1 comment:
Good for you -- warning people off. It's too easy these days to use Law of Attraction (LOA) as your key word, whether or not you actually know anything about it.
Even Wallace Wattles warns you not to use LOA as a power over others. For assistance with relationships, I would recommend Ho'oponopono.
Love to all.
I'm sorry.
Please forgive me;
Thank you.
- Nancy
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